Management Strategy

Thoroughly strengthening the constitution

Since its establishment in February 1966, our group has been developing the 4 temperature zone logistics network in nationwide and providing services of common logistics, of customized logistics, and logistics services in abroad. As result, it now establishes more than 150 locations of business sites all over the nation and operates approx. 5,500 vehicles in our group and in Kewso-soueikai (partner transportation companies), and it is now leading ahead in the industry with its comprehensive strengths in the food logistics.
Our Group drew up the Medium-term Management Plan for 3 years from the financial year of 2022(Nov 2022) to 2024(Nov 2024) for our continuing sustainable growth as the leading company in food logistics with based on our group management philosophy of “We link people and food with smile. We are the corporate group always being trusted”

I. Theme and Basic strategy

Theme of the Medium-term Management Plan:
Thoroughly strengthening the constitution
Aim to be the best partner with attractive employees and technologies, and to be a company that is kind to the environment and people

  • (1) Strengthen corporate functions
    • Improve profitability by taking full advantage of available resources
  • (2) Response to changes in the operating environment
    • Create social value by responding to the swiftly changing business situation
  • (3) Bolster foundations for overseas expansion
    • Bolster foundation for stabilizing in current business areas and expanding in the ASEAN region
  • (4) Diversify into new business areas
    • New logistics initiatives based on temperature control technologies

II. Actual and Target Figures (Consolidated)

(100 million yen)

  2022 (Actual) 2024 (Target)
Operating revenue 1,796 1,850
Operating income 3,695 45
Ordinary income 3,259 40
Profit attributable to owners of parent 1,458 20
ROE (Net income/equity) 3.7% 4.7%
ROA (Ordinary income/total assets) 2.8% 3.2%

Our Group is pressed forward to improve the corporate value with the execution of concrete strategies and measures set in the Medium-term Management Plan.
It would be grateful if your understanding can be obtained and your continued support shall be extended to us.